In Concert at The Opera House
Friday October 6 2000
Zygote In Concert at The Opera House
Additional Acts: Cleavage, First Republic, Jimmy's Groove, Sudsy
Ticket Price: $10 at the door or $8 through Ticketmaster
Set List: GreenRoot / Kousharee (quirky solo) / Static / Gratefully Nowhere / Single (slide version) / Two Tales (with Bob Marley's "Reggae Skankin'" tease) / Nejuan / New Song (tentatively titled "Camouflage") / The Flower Song (with Backstreet Boys/Britney Spears intro) / Saturn / Meet Moot-->Moot (with Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" tease) / Biz (with Ladies Jam) / Swimming In Chlorine / Weather
Set Length: 1 1/2 hours, from 11:30 - 1am
Rough Attendance: 600-650 (whoo baby)
Caught on tape? Yes, and it sounds great, and it's in Josh's library. Video footage and plenty of photos taken of this show.
Poster: Several versions of generic text+logo poster for this show. Nothing special
Notes: A raging success on nearly every front. The band played great, fueled by the manic energy of a capacity crowd. Looking out from the stage, all you could see was a sea of faces. The set was jam-packed with goodies, and the unveiling of a new song was met with hearty approval from the audience. (Love that jungle intro.) Kousharee in particular was excellent this time around, with the quirky solo highlighting the band's talent for rollercoaster dynamics. The ever-mutating Flower Song was (including the hilarious intro) over ten minutes long and never dropped in intensity or creativity, flowing unchecked through a surprising number of themes. Weather brought the house down as usual, culminating in an explosion of energy from the band and leaving the crowd chanting "Zyyyygoooote" in search of an unrequited encore. An exhausting and exhilarating night for us and (if we done our jobs right) the hundreds in attendance.
Openers Cleavage were professional and lived up to their reputation as a solid veteran act, drawing a good-sized crowd and performing a tight set of original tunes. One of the better bands that we've played with and we look forward to sharing the stage with them again. First Republic played an innovative set but didn't get the reaction they hoped for from the crowd. Jimmy's Groove has refined their sound into something more dynamic and sharp, and it suits them well. High musicianship, and good stage presence too. Sudsy opened early to a sparse room but gave their all and have made big strides since the last time we played with them.
Feh. The Opera House is exactly that: An opera house. It was designed for a single vocalist to sing at centre stage and be heard clearly throughout the room. When you pile a bunch of amps and instruments on stage throbbing at full volume instead, what you get is a horrible and unfixable reverb. A roomful of people helps to absorb the echo somewhat, but overall the sound was not great. Creative level-adjusting by our sound men helped ease the problem, but it could have been better. Aside from that, the mix was pretty good. Shlag's congas were audible through the mix but his Djembe got lost occasionally. Vocals popped out in front properly, and Brian's drum kit sounded huge and formidable. Murky bottom-end from Amir's bass was a problem at first but it improved over the course of the set. I would have preferred Ovakim's guitar to be a bit punchier, but his sound had a good texture to it and helped lay a solid foundation for Jer's vocals.
I'm going to start off by saying thank you so much! The show at the Opera House was the first Zygote show I had seen in several months and needless to say, it was nothing less than a religious experience. My night had been incredibly shitty up until the time I got to the show. I missed all of my friend's play due to car trouble, me and about 6 other people spent an endless amount of time on the subway and it was cold!!!!!!!!! However, the second I walked in, pushed and shoved my way to the front and stood there in a sweat, a smile cut itself into my face. I was healed!!! Halellujah!!! I forgot how much I missed seeing my favourite band. I remember the first time I saw Zygote: grade 9, at the warehouse opening for Fishbone. I was a changed man after that. I have attended almost 20 shows since and I have received the absolute honour of opening for the boys with my old band a few times. Because of Jeremy, Shlag, Amir, Brian, Mike (there is no way in hell I'd forget you buddy!) and Aaron (a guitarist who had big shoes to fill and continues to wear them so magnificently), new musical worlds and influences have worked their way into my life. You guys aren't just my favourite band, you're my mentors and friends. I was so blown away by how you guys have grown musically in the past little while! The covers of those shitty pop songs were fabulous and for a moment, they actually sounded like something that would fit the Zygote repertoire! The new song and all the other more recent tunes are incredible! I love them!!! And as usual, Jeremy and Amir's stage presence always gets me and my buds into a screaming and dancing frenzy!!! I will close in the same way that I began, by saying thank you, you boys don't know how much this band means to me and your loving audience. By the way, Josh, you da man, you da man, you da man!!!!! ~Zack S.
I've gotta say, I've got no clue what you guys are talking about the sound being bad. I was right up there at the front with the 2 half naked guys, and I thought it was amazing. Probably one of the top 3 shows I've ever been to..... Ovakim had some sick guitar solo's, and I'm glad to have to gotten his pick at the end of the show. If you can't find the setlist that was in front of Ovakim, I have it....I loved the boy bands special...sick idea.....Overall a great show...woulda paid a lot more than $8 ~Isaac A.
Allright, last night was a pure rim rocker, the place was packed to the max. I couldn't even move, it was amazing. All I can say is you really just can't fuck with the 'Gote. They were unbelievable. I've probably seen them play about 10 times now and don't get me wrong they always put on a kickass show but last night was over the top, they rocked. That jazz solo by Amir in Kousharee was incredible, that was the highlight of my show, it just fit in so perfectly with the song. Single being played in the slower version is amazing as well. All in all a great show, I fucking love
those guys. ~Benjie S.
There'll be pics of this show up as soon as I can get 'em developed. Hold yer horses.
Friday, February 3rd, 2006 : Come In From The Cold at The Opera House
Friday, March 15th, 2002 : The Rivoli
Friday, March 1st, 2002 : Havoc in Hamilton VI at The Hudson
Wednesday, February 20th, 2002 : Rafter's Pub in Sudbury
Friday, February 8th, 2002 : Feel The Love: Pre-Valentine's Day Bash at The Opera House
Saturday, December 8th, 2001 : Call The Office in London
Friday, December 7th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton
Saturday, November 24th, 2001 : Kool HaĆ¼s with Big Sugar
Friday, November 23rd, 2001 : The Trasheteria in Peterborough
Thursday, November 22nd, 2001 : The Foundation in Barrie
Thursday, November 8th, 2001 : The Shot in Kingston
Friday, November 2nd, 2001 : The Opera House with Choclair
Saturday, October 27th, 2001 : The Cage in Oakville
Friday, October 26th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton
Friday, October 19th, 2001 : The Capitol Theatre
Saturday, September 8th, 2001 : The Opera House
Friday, August 10th, 2001 : Molson Amphitheatre with Dave Matthews Band
Saturday, July 28th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton
Thursday, July 26th, 2001 : Club Abstract in Kitchener with See Spot Run
Saturday, July 21st, 2001 : Lees Palace
Friday, July 13th, 2001 : Woodstick Festival at Kee to Bala
Friday, July 6th, 2001 : Two Tales II at the Comfort Zone
Friday, June 8th, 2001 : NXNE at The Reverb
Friday, May 4th, 2001 : In Concert at The Warehouse
Friday, April 6th, 2001 : Federation Hall at U o f Waterloo
Saturday, February 17th, 2001 : Lees Palace
Friday, January 19th, 2001 : The Opera House
Saturday, January 13th, 2001 : The Embassy in London
Friday, January 12th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton
Friday, November 17th, 2000 : Zygote Into The Fray at The Rivoli
Saturday, November 11th, 2000 : The Haunt in Ithaca NY
Friday, October 6th, 2000 : In Concert at The Opera House
Saturday, September 2nd, 2000 : Two Tales at The Rivoli
Saturday, July 29th, 2000 : The Rivoli
Sunday, July 16th, 2000 : Molson Indy
Saturday, June 17th, 2000 : The Rivoli
Thursday, June 8th, 2000 : NXNE 2000 at Clintons Tavern
Saturday, May 20th, 2000 : All Ages at The Comfort Zone
Thursday, May 18th, 2000 : Rock Search 2000 at Front 54 in Thorold
Friday, April 21st, 2000 : The Rivoli
Friday, April 21st, 2000 : La Luna in Hamilton
Sunday, March 26th, 2000 : Whiskey Joes in Hamilton with The Headstones
Friday, March 17th, 2000 : St Patricks Day Bash at The Rivoli
Thursday, March 2nd, 2000 : Canadian Music Week at The 360
Saturday, February 12th, 2000 : The Rivoli
Saturday, January 22nd, 2000 : The Hudson in Hamilton
Saturday, November 6th, 1999 : The Opera House with Wide Mouth Mason
Saturday, October 16th, 1999 : The Rivoli
Friday, September 3rd, 1999 : The Rivoli
Friday, July 23rd, 1999 : The Reverb
Saturday, June 26th, 1999 : The Rivoli CD Release
Friday, May 21st, 1999 : The Rivoli
Friday, April 30th, 1999 : The Rivoli
Thursday, April 15th, 1999 : The Reverb
Saturday, December 5th, 1998 : The Rivoli
Thursday, November 19th, 1998 : The Gordon Best Theatre Peterborough
Friday, October 9th, 1998 : The Comfort Zone
Friday, October 2nd, 1998 : The Horseshoe Tavern
Saturday, September 5th, 1998 : The Horseshoe Tavern
Saturday, July 11th, 1998 : The Comfort Zone
Saturday, May 30th, 1998 : The Regency Hotel
Friday, May 29th, 1998 : The Comfort Zone
Saturday, May 23rd, 1998 : The Opera House with The Headstones
Saturday, May 23rd, 1998 : The Big Bop
Thursday, May 14th, 1998 : Lees Palace with Humphat
Saturday, May 2nd, 1998 : The Comfort Zone
Saturday, April 18th, 1998 : El Mocambo Upstairs
Thursday, April 16th, 1998 : Unplugged at The Silver Dollar with Brian Gladstone
Friday, March 20th, 1998 : The Big Bop
Friday, February 6th, 1998 : The 360
Saturday, January 31st, 1998 : Call The Office London with Zuuls Evil Disco
Friday, October 31st, 1997 : Halloween at The Original Six Sports Bar
Friday, October 17th, 1997 : El Mocambo
Friday, June 6th, 1997 : The Generator w Ron Hawkins of Lowest of the Low
Friday, May 23rd, 1997 : The Comfort Zone
Friday, April 25th, 1997 : The Comfort Zone
Saturday, March 29th, 1997 : The 360 with Black Cabbage
Saturday, March 15th, 1997 : AE Pi Frat Party at The Reverb
Friday, January 31st, 1997 : The Comfort Zone with Andru Branch
Saturday, January 25th, 1997 : The Warehouse with Fishbone
Thursday, January 23rd, 1997 : Red Dog Tavern Peterborough with Tied To The Tracks
Monday, November 4th, 1996 : The Horseshoe Tavern
Friday, September 27th, 1996 : The Generator
Saturday, July 27th, 1996 : The Honey Pot
Saturday, June 8th, 1996 : El Mocambo
Friday, April 5th, 1996 : El Mocambo
Friday, October 7th, 1994 : The Opera House with Infinity
Thursday, June 23rd, 1994 : Classic Studios
Friday, June 10th, 1994 : The Shamrock
Saturday, May 8th, 1993 : Rock n Roll Challenge II at The Spectrum

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