Zygote Myspace Online!
Tuesday, February 28th, 2006
Hey Kids,
Thought you'd like to hear that Zygote has launched a MySpace account.... you can find us now at www.myspace.com/thegote Swing on by and check it out.. there are songs for downloading, video, photos, art, you name it, we got it. So check it out.
Also, for those of you who missed your chance at the show, there are still Zygote T-shirts available for purchase. Here's a snazzy artist's rendition of said shirt: ![[uploaded/zygote_shirt.jpg]](/uploaded/zygote_shirt.jpg)
If you want one, send an email saying so to zygoteshirts@hotmail.com and we'll hooks you up good! Thanks, see you over on Myspace!

25/02/14 |