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Zygote live in concert : Nothing Booked, Wednesday, May 5th, 9999

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The Opera House
Saturday September 08 2001
The Opera House

Additional Acts: The Beefy Treats, Grindig, Molar's Hideout
Ticket Price: $12 at the door
Set List: Nejuan / GreenRoot (with Alice In Chains' "Junkhead" tease) / C / Girl Next Door / Gratefully Nowhere / Drop D / Drum Piece / Little Ditty / Silver Gypsy / Camouflage / Biz / Swimming In Chlorine (with Meet Moot plug) / Static (with Bon Jovi's "Living On A Prayer outro) / Saturn / 2 Tales / Fast Funk / The Flower Song featuring Chris Hess on saxophone / Weather Interruptus (see notes) / Kousharee (with Pink Floyd's "Breathe" tease) / Weather
Set Length: 1 hour, forty-five minutes (!) from 11:30pm - 1:15
Rough Attendance: 725 - 775
Caught on tape? No guy
Poster: Flower Man Operation 11x17 black & white, ZigZag flyers
Notes: Another atomic blast of a gig at the Opera House. This show found Zygote playing for their most responsive crowd ever, the place was absolutely crazy. We've brought more people to the Opera House in the past, but this audience was just so INTO it that the band fed off that energy and poured out a performance that was nothing short of spectacular. The boys hammered through a marathon yet never-lagging set of original music featuring both old favourites and brand-new material. Two of the newest songs, Girl Next Door and Fast Funk, got a huge warm welcome from the crowd, who identified immediately with the crunchy groove of Girl and the urgent pulse of Funk.

Opening acts were great tonight. Molar's Hideout got pretty screwed with the schedule but took it with good grace and laid down a solid set for those in the room. We'll make it up to them soon. Grindig played a fantastic set as usual, I just can't get enough of that band. Any of you that want to find out more about them - and you SHOULD want to, otherwise you've got a problem with your brain - can cruise by www.grindig.com. The Beefy Treats delivered their trademark insanity to the crowd and put a permanent look of shock on the face of everyone in the room.

The 'Gote took the stage to the chanting of the crowd and launched into the crankhandle rhythm of Nejuan, a song which sits well in the hotseat. From there it was a fluid progression through a seemingly endless catalog of favourites old and new - the reaction of the crowd to songs familiar and unfamiliar was equally enthusiastic. We had Ron (from the Rivoli) working the soundboard for this show, and although it's absolutely impossible to wring good sound out of the Opera House, he wrestled better quality from it than I've heard so far.

Highlights of the set include:

Swimming In Chlorine. A perfect rendition, delivered with guts and growl. Ron's familiarity with the band's repertoire gave him the ability to layer effects in appropriate places for this song, plus the Meet Moot tease in the "Trend's So Tired" lag got howls of approval from the crowd.

The Bon Jovi plug. Will this plug never die? Personally I like to see the band switch up plugs between shows, but they've used this one like four times in the past five shows and it only ever gets better. There were honestly four hundred people totally rockin' out to this one.

Stage presence all over, with extra props out to Jer and Amir for working the crowd with absolutely genuine enthusiasm. I elbowed my way into the heart of the crowd centre stage for a song or two and got the pit's-eye view of things..... Shit, they really look like they know what they're doing up there, don't they?

Weather Interruptus. Launching into Weather after announcing it as the last song, the band skidded to a halt upon noticing that a crowd-surfing fan had pitched backwards off the edge of the audience onto the concrete floor. (which I don't mind telling you was strewn with busted beer bottles, I myself took a nasty cut in the leg and only discovered the imbedded hunk of glass upon getting home at 4am. Mmmm...sanitary) After making sure that the guy was alright (his name was actually Guy, and the audience cheered his revival with a rousing "Guy! Guy! Guy! Guy!" chant), Zygote swung into an unplanned rendition of Kousharee instead, extending the setlist to 19 songs and breaking the Zygote record.

Weather. Absolutely awesome, completely electrifying. The floor was madness for this one, fans raging to the shotgun backbeat and splintering guitar lines. Ovakim's "scratch" solo was bang-on. Weather still has some life in it, baby.....

Our demo release. Album 1.5, as it is unofficially referred to, sold like hotcakes, and hundreds of happy campers walked away with a brand new selection of Zygote music to warm their hearts and blow their speakers.

Amir announcing Jeremy's ENGAGEMENT to his girlfriend Robyn into the microphone. Yeah, you heard me right.....

A great show overall, highlit by the band's spectacular performance and the audience's zealous energy. Thanks to all the crazy maniacs, the friends and fans, the fellow bands who came out to support us, and to the crew for busting ass above and beyond the call of duty - Bryan, Dveris, Zach, and Cousin A - you guys make it happen, we couldn't do it without you.


* Holy Zygote! Once again I, as well as the other million people there, was blown away by the electrifying performace of that band called ZYGOTE.  The intensity in the Opera House last night was something I have never seen before and by the smiles on the band's faces throughout the show, we all knew that they were loving it just as much as we were.  "Living on a Prayer" couldn't have been executed more perfectionatelly (if that's a word) and the entire set was phenomenal! The new stuff sounded great and the older stuff is still getting the crowd pumpin' hard!  Major props to the opening bands for some fine fine music especially Beefy and his Treats and that crazy maniac wearing a lamp shade!  Boy, did he ever look familiar.
Before I end this off I'd just like to add that you guys stole my shirt to clean up Ovakim's beer and I want it back!
Zygote - yet another night has passed where you have reached out to all your loyal Zygoteers and showed us how FUCKIN' INCREDIBLE YOU GUYS ARE!!!
See you next show!!! ~ Jason S.

* Last night's show at the opera house was fucking amazing. Me and Guy (the one that got launched onto the floor) were sitting at a bus stop in Thornhill at 10:45. We just decided to run for twenty mintues to the next bus stop. We never thought we were gonna make it. But we just hauled ass, grabbed the subway and a cab, were frisked, and then were in ecstasy. I made my way up to the front and by the time I got there I was already sweating my ass off. So the shirt came off. The show absolutely blew me away. Kousharee and Swimming In Chlorine were amazing. The crowd was so intense the whole atmosphere of the place was insane, the fact that it was like an oven in there didn't even matter because everyone was so into the music. The Flower Song was also really well done, and I loved all the new songs you guys played. I was also pretty impressed with Amir when he kept playing even though his string broke. I can't wait until the next show.... Thanx again for the best show I've seen all year. ~Shaun S.

* I've got one thing to say, FUCK!....Oh, and HOLY FUCK!...That's basically it.. ~Adam R.

* I was at the show last night at the Opera House, and I gotta say it was fuckin' amazing. I hadn't really heard much of the new stuff before last night and I gotta say I didn't expect it to be as good as it was..it was amazing ! I bought the new CD and I can't stop listening to it! Can't wait for the next show! ~Isaac A.

* 2 days later, I sit down and try to control the tremble that still lurks beneath my skin. The uplift sea motion of fans still sustains itself inside me. The insanity of the deliverance, the feeling of their playing, the appreciation for the talent they all remarkably present, and the love and respect they have for their fans was all brilliantly displayed. The explosion of their devotion supercedes itself every show, and this has only allowed them to grow.

I have never, as a ‘Gote fan, seen a more ecstatic response from the fans. Myself, alongside SAJ, left the show grasping for air and an excessive amount of water. My head was spinning, (nothing to do with the alks), and my heart was racing, my blood was flowing and the urge to keep myself standing was ‘o so fucking hard.’

But all in all, if I may put it, this was one hell of an experience. Zygote and crew, you all fucking rock. Keep up the good work, thanks for the wicked show and we’ll see you nice and sober at Nathan Phillips Square. ~Ryan A.

*So, for those of you who missed it, this was an amazing show. The Opera house actually sounded good! With the release of their new disc, which has been dubbed 'Zygote 1.5', the announcment of Jeremy's engagement, and opening bands from as far away as Toronto and as close as Vancouver this was no longer a show, it was a party. This time however I could not beat the heat that was surrounding the front of the stage and opted to take in the show from the bar's vantage point. Plus it was near beer. Anywho...rest assured that next show I will be directly in front becuase I'm coming naked. I mean half the crowd was half naked anyway do you think I'm really going to stand out? With my third leg.

The band unveiled a new tune which caught my attention from the start. Not to mention the 'Living on a Prayer' teaser by the man himself from the Jersey shore which absolutely brought the house down.

I'm telling you people, if you chose to miss this show you should never trust your instincts again. From now on anything you would usually do, do the opposite. I want to see nothing but Costanzas at the next show.

I urge all of you to make it out on the 23rd to the Aids Walk event because helping others is something we all need to do especially after the tragedy on Tuesday. We all share this planet and its up to us to help each other out however we can.

See you at the next show from my usual spot,
~ Lee K.

Just to let you know, we had a BOMB time at the show.  The 'Gote were definitely at their best and well, I haven't stopped listening to the new CD since the show ended...
And just to let ya know, there are two more Zygote fans...mine and my buddy's women were Zygote virgins (and that's all the virginity either of them were anywhere close to having) and well, since that show, well, u'know,...they be hooked on Zygote...

P.S.  I was quite disappointed last night, however, when one of the security guards came by and grabbed my spliff out my hand...Of the 16 times I've sparked joints at the shows, that was #1...oh well...shit
happens...hehe... ~Dave

Friday, February 3rd, 2006 : Come In From The Cold at The Opera House

Friday, March 15th, 2002 : The Rivoli

Friday, March 1st, 2002 : Havoc in Hamilton VI at The Hudson

Wednesday, February 20th, 2002 : Rafter's Pub in Sudbury

Friday, February 8th, 2002 : Feel The Love: Pre-Valentine's Day Bash at The Opera House

Saturday, December 8th, 2001 : Call The Office in London

Friday, December 7th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton

Saturday, November 24th, 2001 : Kool Haüs with Big Sugar

Friday, November 23rd, 2001 : The Trasheteria in Peterborough

Thursday, November 22nd, 2001 : The Foundation in Barrie

Thursday, November 8th, 2001 : The Shot in Kingston

Friday, November 2nd, 2001 : The Opera House with Choclair

Saturday, October 27th, 2001 : The Cage in Oakville

Friday, October 26th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton

Friday, October 19th, 2001 : The Capitol Theatre

Saturday, September 8th, 2001 : The Opera House

Friday, August 10th, 2001 : Molson Amphitheatre with Dave Matthews Band

Saturday, July 28th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton

Thursday, July 26th, 2001 : Club Abstract in Kitchener with See Spot Run

Saturday, July 21st, 2001 : Lees Palace

Friday, July 13th, 2001 : Woodstick Festival at Kee to Bala

Friday, July 6th, 2001 : Two Tales II at the Comfort Zone

Friday, June 8th, 2001 : NXNE at The Reverb

Friday, May 4th, 2001 : In Concert at The Warehouse

Friday, April 6th, 2001 : Federation Hall at U o f Waterloo

Saturday, February 17th, 2001 : Lees Palace

Friday, January 19th, 2001 : The Opera House

Saturday, January 13th, 2001 : The Embassy in London

Friday, January 12th, 2001 : The Hudson in Hamilton

Friday, November 17th, 2000 : Zygote Into The Fray at The Rivoli

Saturday, November 11th, 2000 : The Haunt in Ithaca NY

Friday, October 6th, 2000 : In Concert at The Opera House

Saturday, September 2nd, 2000 : Two Tales at The Rivoli

Saturday, July 29th, 2000 : The Rivoli

Sunday, July 16th, 2000 : Molson Indy

Saturday, June 17th, 2000 : The Rivoli

Thursday, June 8th, 2000 : NXNE 2000 at Clintons Tavern

Saturday, May 20th, 2000 : All Ages at The Comfort Zone

Thursday, May 18th, 2000 : Rock Search 2000 at Front 54 in Thorold

Friday, April 21st, 2000 : The Rivoli

Friday, April 21st, 2000 : La Luna in Hamilton

Sunday, March 26th, 2000 : Whiskey Joes in Hamilton with The Headstones

Friday, March 17th, 2000 : St Patricks Day Bash at The Rivoli

Thursday, March 2nd, 2000 : Canadian Music Week at The 360

Saturday, February 12th, 2000 : The Rivoli

Saturday, January 22nd, 2000 : The Hudson in Hamilton

Saturday, November 6th, 1999 : The Opera House with Wide Mouth Mason

Saturday, October 16th, 1999 : The Rivoli

Friday, September 3rd, 1999 : The Rivoli

Friday, July 23rd, 1999 : The Reverb

Saturday, June 26th, 1999 : The Rivoli CD Release

Friday, May 21st, 1999 : The Rivoli

Friday, April 30th, 1999 : The Rivoli

Thursday, April 15th, 1999 : The Reverb

Saturday, December 5th, 1998 : The Rivoli

Thursday, November 19th, 1998 : The Gordon Best Theatre Peterborough

Friday, October 9th, 1998 : The Comfort Zone

Friday, October 2nd, 1998 : The Horseshoe Tavern

Saturday, September 5th, 1998 : The Horseshoe Tavern

Saturday, July 11th, 1998 : The Comfort Zone

Saturday, May 30th, 1998 : The Regency Hotel

Friday, May 29th, 1998 : The Comfort Zone

Saturday, May 23rd, 1998 : The Opera House with The Headstones

Saturday, May 23rd, 1998 : The Big Bop

Thursday, May 14th, 1998 : Lees Palace with Humphat

Saturday, May 2nd, 1998 : The Comfort Zone

Saturday, April 18th, 1998 : El Mocambo Upstairs

Thursday, April 16th, 1998 : Unplugged at The Silver Dollar with Brian Gladstone

Friday, March 20th, 1998 : The Big Bop

Friday, February 6th, 1998 : The 360

Saturday, January 31st, 1998 : Call The Office London with Zuuls Evil Disco

Friday, October 31st, 1997 : Halloween at The Original Six Sports Bar

Friday, October 17th, 1997 : El Mocambo

Friday, June 6th, 1997 : The Generator w Ron Hawkins of Lowest of the Low

Friday, May 23rd, 1997 : The Comfort Zone

Friday, April 25th, 1997 : The Comfort Zone

Saturday, March 29th, 1997 : The 360 with Black Cabbage

Saturday, March 15th, 1997 : AE Pi Frat Party at The Reverb

Friday, January 31st, 1997 : The Comfort Zone with Andru Branch

Saturday, January 25th, 1997 : The Warehouse with Fishbone

Thursday, January 23rd, 1997 : Red Dog Tavern Peterborough with Tied To The Tracks

Monday, November 4th, 1996 : The Horseshoe Tavern

Friday, September 27th, 1996 : The Generator

Saturday, July 27th, 1996 : The Honey Pot

Saturday, June 8th, 1996 : El Mocambo

Friday, April 5th, 1996 : El Mocambo

Friday, October 7th, 1994 : The Opera House with Infinity

Thursday, June 23rd, 1994 : Classic Studios

Friday, June 10th, 1994 : The Shamrock

Saturday, May 8th, 1993 : Rock n Roll Challenge II at The Spectrum

