Mint. have opened for Zygote several times and made a great impression every time. Well-written songs and tight musicianship are hallmark for this outfit. Cruise by their site.
Beyond Rusty
Beyond Rusty cranks out wicked jams with a hard edge. They opened for Zygote February 3rd 2006 at the Opera House and rocked the place. Check 'em out.
If my subconscious psyche would allow me to have a favourite band other than Zygote, this would be it. Grindig's been our contemporaries on the TO music scene for ages, and they put on the best show in town, bar none. High-voltage music delivered with style and confidence. Check 'em out first chance you get.
Tallman plays heavy music, no mistake. The difference between them and the countless other heavy bands in Toronto is that Tallman is actually GOOD. These guys put an incredible amount of effort into everything they do, spin by their site and find out just how much.
The enterprising group of Toronto-based dudes who actually managed to inspire some sort of communication between indie bands in TO and forge the foundation for a unified music scene. Tons of details on the GTA's indie bands here, loads of useful information for bands and fans alike, great site with great spirit.
In a burst of inspiration we contacted Trojan to sponsor our Valentine's Day party, and they responded with unparalleled enthusiasm. Their website hosts a wealth of contests, event information, and more condom propaganda than you've ever seen in one place before. Click on by...
The Unofficial Zygote Website
The first of the Zygote fansites and not a bad little site it is.... There is some original content including homemade guitar tabs, some fan art, and quizzes/polls.
Brüzer is a sportswear company that specializes in wakeboarding gear and cool clothes. Zygote is proud to be endorsed by Brüzer, and they support lots of other quality indie bands, Grindig and The Salads to name a few. Their new website is fantastic, no joke. Swing by and check it out...
The folks at RadioMOI were the first to give Zygote any kind of internet presence, so we link to them out of gratitude. Their site allows you to structure your own customized streaming audio radio-station while you while the hours away at your computer.
24/09/07 |